Monday, June 4, 2007

Good News

Monday the headaches went away. P.T. will now be twice a day. The really good news is that my spasms are nearly gone for the first time since the accident. This means that I can stand without having to wait to get control of my legs before walking. My friend from Central Florida is arriving tonight. His name is Danny Gray, and he is 19. Please keep him in your prayers he has a ways to go to get better. It is about 8 p.m. so I am going to bed now. Gabby went to Walmart for some things to make soup.


Ethel said...

Hi Lance,

My name is Ethel Bankston and I am a close friend of Cindy McDonald. Cindy has updated me on your progress and gave my your website. I just want you to know that you have a lot of people praying for your success. My son, George, was also in a serious accident March, 2003. He worked for Kansas City Railroad and was literally run over and dragged 300 feet under a remote controlled engine. Among his many injuries he broke his back and lost all but the heel on his right foot. He has done extremely well and through modern technology walks with a prosthetic foot and hunts and fishes as he has always done. He recovered quickly and never looked back or let his accident stop him from doing anything. The power of prayer is a wonderful thing! Everytime I look at George I thank God for his life and know that he is God's miracle. Never give up and stay strong. I know you will have success with your proceedures.


TISHA said...

Hey Lance!! This is Tisha (Spencer) Kirby. Bob Mann gave me your blog info. I am so excited you are getting to do this! I just wish the US would catch up with the rest of the world. I'm sitting here with my 8 week old daughter asleep on my shoulder just wishing I could have donated her cord. Here in tiny Valdosta, GA I couldn't find a place in time. All you hear about are cord "banks" that save the cord for your use in the future. But if noone donates cords for research, there won't be any use for them in the future! Can you tell I'm frustrated by this? :-)

Anyways, you have been such an inspiration from the very beginning. Your progress has been incredible. Better than any SCI patient I have ever worked with. God is working miracles through you, and I don't think He is done yet. I am praying for complete healing for you through this treatment. If you have time, I would love more info on how exactly your treatment will work. Keep up the hard work, Lance. Hope to see you when you get back.

Tisha Kirby

Patrick said...


I am very glad to hear of the progress. I have been updating my family as I have been receiving them, and we are all keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. You're truly an inspiration to many many people.


shannon said...

Hi Lance

I saw your blog and video. I am going to china in august to hangzhou i cant wait and am a parapeligic that walks with leg braces. I have feeling and can move my feet. i look forward to your progress and my prayers are with you

Norma said...

Lance, Good news to hear you are progressing so nicely. Keep up the good work. You remain in my prayers. Will be anxious to see you back at SUMC singing your heart away. Love, Norma Unruh