Tuesday, June 5, 2007

2nd Injection will be IV

The doctor came to see me today and we both decided to go with an IV for my second treatment. The headaches seem to be gone but come back every now and then causing me to have to go lay down. Don't worry its is normal to have these tremendous headaches after lumbar punctures due to an imbalance in my spinal cord fluid. My faith stays strong and I think it is a small price to pay especially if I get any return in the coming months. My muscle spasms are probably 85% better. My bladder is much stronger because I don't have to go so much during the night. I usually have to get up at least 3 times per night to use the restroom but since the injection I get up 1 time and that is when the night is almost over. The doctor let Gabby film the entire procedure with was a surprise. I'll post pictures in a little bit.

1 comment:

Collinsgirls said...

Hello Lance,

Congratulations on all the success you've experienced so far. I know you have been quite busy. I would love to see you and Gabby soon. The girls are now going to school from home but hav public school teacher. They are enrolled in Virtual Public School. I am their Teacher Coach and it takes the pressure off my first year of homeschooling. More creative curriculum to meet their needs because they assess them before assigning subjects in beginning of year. If you know anyone interested in this type of school tell them to check out www.K12.com
They already in about 17 states. Said all that to say we can come to Florida anytime of year so we'll let you know when we're coming your way!

Love you guys!
Charlotte and Family